

Financial services

Gender and Finance

One of the most promising ways to close the stubbornly persisting gender divide is technology. For low-income women, digital financial inclusion offers an opportunity to upend entrenched gender inequalities. Financial services delivered via mobile phone can bridge the last-mile gap, bringing financial tools and services directly to women where they work and live

Agents of Finance

The grassroots level agents have a comparative advantage in serving rural households because they possess better knowledge and a keener understanding of local-level political and economic dynamics and market actors which fundamentally mediate developmental outcomes. On account of this, they are effectively placed to reduce several participation barriers

Bank in your pocket

Governments will have to close the digital divide to reap the benefits of digital financial services. This means finding the right balance between enabling financial innovation and addressing several risks

The digital way

The pandemic shows that the trend towards greater digitalization of financial services is here to stay. Governments must close the digital divide to reap the benefits of digital financial services