

Alexander Lukashenko


The author of the unhinged action ~ one characterised by the European Union as a “gangster” approach ~ is Alexander Lukashenko, the dictator who rules Belarus and who has fashioned what he considers is a solution to Europe’s refugee crisis by allowing thousands of them into his country only to push them over the border into Poland.

Bear’s Embrace~I

The world once believed that Russia would become a ‘responsible stakeholder‘ in global affairs by being integrated into rule-based international institutions. Instead, it threatened the sovereignty of neighbours like Georgia and propped up dictators in Libya, Syria and Venezuela

Curbs on Belarus

The travel sanctions were triggered by the sentencing of two journalists who had live-streamed an enormous protest in Minsk against Lukashenko’s rule in November.

World in retreat

Lukashenko remains defiant and his counter-accusations are aimed at Western Powers and their insistence on liberality, transparency and democracy. He sought refuge in his only benefactor, Vladimir Putin of Russia, by deliberately conflating his concerns to those of a similarly controlled Russia.

Tanzanian tremors

In terms of vote percentage at least there is a striking parallel with Belarus for in Tanzania too, the incumbent is said to have polled more than four-fifths of the votes cast.