Indian star opener batsman Shikhar Dhawan shared a video on Twitter where the southpaw is seen batting in the nets — first time since his injury in the recently concluded World Cup — to take on the Bottle Cap Challenge given to him by former India cricketer Yuvraj Singh.
“Yuvi Paaji, here is my #BottleCapChallenge! This is the first time I am picking my bat up after my injury..feels good to be back!@YUVSTRONG12,” wrote Dhawan on Twitter.
Yuvraj Singh on 8 July posted a video on Instagram where the all-rounder had opened the bottle cap playing a straight lofted hit and challenged Shikhar Dhawan and some other cricketers to do so.
“Here’s my version of the #bottlecapchallenge . The challenge goes out to @brianlaraofficial @shikhardofficial @chrisgayle333 and @sachintendulkar who has to take this challenge as a left hander,” wrote Yuvi on Instagram.
33-year-old swashbuckling left-hander Dhawan suffered a thumb injury during the 2019 World Cup league round after Pat Cummins hit him awkwardly in the early phase of his match-winning innings of 117 off 109 balls on 9 June. Following the injury, the southpaw had been ruled out of the tournament and has been recovering since then.