HSSC releases examination schedule for various examinations at hssc.gov.in | Check dates here
HSSC examination schedule: The candidates can check the dates for various recruitment exams from the official website-hssc.gov.in
HSSC recruitment: Candidates can check the roll numbers in the merit list on the official website-hssc.gov.in
HSSC recruitment: Haryana Staff Selection Commission has declared the HSSC Group D results. Candidates can check the roll numbers in the merit list on the official website-hssc.gov.in
The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of their experience and socio-economic experience.
HSSC Group D results: How to check
• Visit the official website-hssc.gov.in
• On the homepage, click on the “results” tab.
• On the next page, download the “Final Result for Group-D”
• A PDF will open. Check your roll number and save for future reference.
Direct Link: The candidates should check their results using the direct link here.
Along with the list of selected candidates, HSSC has also released the roll numbers of waiting candidates in the same PDF. The waiting list will remain active for a period of one year.
The HSSC Group D recruitment examination was held on November 11, 12, 2018 and was conducted to fill up 18218 vacant posts like peon, animal attendant, helper etc.
Important Information:
This result is subject to the outcome of CWP Nos. 37683/2018 , 30376/2018 , 23769/2018 , 31085/2018 , 32246/2018 , 24327/2018 , 26801/2018 , 26478/2018 , 37683/2018 , 22969/2018 and 331/2019 etc . Pending in Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court and any other CWP pending in any other Court of law.