Veteran Bollywood actor Anupam Kher has dedicated his new film, ‘Vijay 69′, to his mother, Dulari Kher, honoring her unwavering influence and strength. In a heartfelt post on social media, Kher shared how his mother’s resilience and life lessons have been central to his own journey.
“’Vijay 69’ is my tribute to my mother Dulari, her zeal for life, her passion to live every day at its fullest,” he wrote. “Whatever I am today, it’s because of her. She taught me to never give up, to face challenges head-on, and to never back down.”
According to Kher, every scene he performed in ‘Vijay 69’ echoed his mother’s enduring spirit and her “never give up” mantra. As he noted, her values of perseverance and quiet determination shaped him into the man he is today.
“Each day on set, I remembered her teachings. This film, in a way, is a love letter to her and to all unsung heroes like her who face life’s battles with strength and grace,” he expressed.
Anupam Kher revealed that making ‘Vijay 69’ was a challenging experience, demanding total dedication and emotional intensity. He described the journey as akin to an athlete’s challenge, revealing that this particular project required “blood, sweat, and tears.”
He recalled emotional moments on set with director Akshay Roy, sharing that they were sometimes moved to tears by the depth of the experience. “Not every film requires this level of commitment,” Kher remarked, “but ‘Vijay 69’ demanded everything from me.”
The trailer introduces viewers to the inspiring journey of a 69-year-old man who has determination to participate in a triathlon despite his age. The story, written and directed by Akshay Roy, captures a heartfelt narrative of resilience and the power of belief, showcasing Kher in a role that pays homage to his mother’s fighting spirit.
‘Vijay 69’, produced by YRF Entertainment, will premiere on Netflix on November 8. The film, which also stars Mihir Ahuja, promises to be a poignant, slice-of-life exploration of strength, age, and unbreakable spirit.