

World population

A global summit on inequality needed

Between 1995 and 2021, the top one per cent wealthiest people in the world captured 38 per cent of the growth in global wealth, whereas the bottom 50 per cent had a pitiful 2 per cent share.

Population and Policy

If population is set to decline all over and median age increases in developed societies faster than in developing societies, it means such societies will necessarily need immigrants to support their economies or to care for their elderly whose proportion in total population will continue to increase

Stabilising the numbers

Young people are innovators, creators, builders and leaders of the future. They can transform the future provided they have the skills, sound health, value-oriented education, ability to take decisions and make real choices in life with absolute freedom of mind. Our country had never witnessed such a large youth population. It is imperative to harness this potential in the sphere of economic and social progress