Mukesh Ambani‘s Jio Studios has collaborated with filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt’s Vishesh Films for its first original web series based on a love story set in 70s Bollywood. The web series will explore the highs and lows of the relationship between a married struggling filmmaker and a top actress of the time.
On Wednesday, Vishesh Films took to their official Twitter handle to share the news. They wrote, “Delighted our stories have found a home in @jiostudios ! Announcing our digital debut with web-series, a dramatic love story set in 70s Bollywood that explores the highs & lows of the relationship between a married struggling filmmaker & a top actress of that time @MaheshNBhatt (sic).”
Ace filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt also took to his official Twitter handle to express his happiness after partnering with Jio Studios. He wrote, “A perfect beginning.Happy partnering with @jiostudios on our digital debut!A dramatic webseries based in 70s Bollywood exploring the relationship of a struggling filmmaker & a top actress of that era!The greatest location in the world is the human heart. @VisheshFilms (sic).”
Meanwhile, film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to his official Instagram handle to share the news. He wrote, “IT’S OFFICIAL… Jio Studios partners with the #Bhatts of Vishesh Films… Announce web series based on a love story set in the 1970s #Bollywood… Explores the highs and lows of the relationship between a married struggling filmmaker and a top actress of that time (sic).”