Gmail for iPad finally supports split-view multitasking

Gmail is one of the widely used apps in the world. (Photo: Gmail)

The much-needed Split-View multitasking support for iPad’s Gmail app is finally here. This means that users no longer have to open the full Gmail screen to check their mails.

The tech giant said that the Split-View will work on any other iOS apps that support the feature.

With the Split-View feature, one will be able to open Gmail while checking schedule in Google Calendar to confirm a meeting time, or drag and drop pictures from Google Photos into an email.

“You can use Gmail and Google Calendar at the same time with Split-View to check your schedule before replying to an email to confirm a meeting time. Or, you can easily drag and drop pictures from Google Photos into an email without leaving Gmail,” the company said in a statement.

Short Guide: Switching to the Split View

To enter Split View from Gmail, the user will have to turn on multitasking on iPad. Then, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, touch and hold another app, then drag it to the left or right edge of the screen.

Apple first added the split view feature to the iPad back in 2015, with iOS 9. However, tech companies have been slow to support the feature. Companies like Adobe with Lightroom and Spotify added the feature last year.

Gmail is one of the widely used apps in the world, and it is a bit strange to see that the popular app is receiving split-view multitasking feature support after five years, especially when the company added the support for Docs, Sheets, YouTube as well as Slides in 2016.