Diwali and the last minute rush

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The last minute rush never fails. Procrastination of things often lead to the last minute rush. Although many try to avoid the rush at the last minute, it almost always happen on every occasion. This time, it may be the last minute Diwali rush.
When you thought you have purchased everything that is required for a perfect Diwali celebrations, the food, house decorations, guest lists, candles, sweets and gifts, it often happens that you remember a few must-dos at the last minute. Again, this time too, you have to rush through the rush.
The rush, however, can drain you of all the energy left for the big celebration. Keeping few things in mind as you shop or get a few things done will surely keep you in high spirits and make you look fresh enough for the big festive party. Here is a list of some must-dos during the last minute rush for any celebration.
1. Drink plenty of water or drink your favourite drink to your heart’s content. It will give you the much needed energy and will hydrate your body well as you would be surely sweating out in the rush. If possible, carry a water bottle as you step out. 
2. Carry few fruits and nuts in your hand bag and squeeze a little time to savour it. This will prevent you from feeling hungry and weak as you rush through the day. Walking into a food joint for a bite or drink may take up a good time. So carrying small eateries for a quick bite every now and then will help save all that time in eating out.
3. Take a few minutes power nap if you must. Power nap helps to freshen up and gives the much needed stamina for the day. Or, take time to sit and rest for few minutes in between shopping and try to get home as early as possible so that you have enough time to freshen up and have a cup of chai before you begin to do anything.