

Just living

aritra ghosh tries to unravel the many mysteries that surround our existence Human life is a mingled thread of joy…

aritra ghosh tries to unravel the many mysteries that surround our existence
Human life is a mingled thread of joy and sorrow. Every sorrow has a spark of joy underneath, every adversity gives way to an opportunity and every disappointment sharpens one’s resolve to conquer. Who could sum up this truth more succinctly than Shakespeare has done in the following lines? "Sweet are the uses of adversity
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous Wears yet a precious jewel in his head." The banished duke in the Forest of Arden in As You Like It spoke these lines, while spending days of exile under the open sky. He, who once commanded pomp and power, was now a homeless fugitive, seeking shelter and solace in the lap of nature. This taste of adversity had its own advantage though. It made him a wiser being and opened new windows into his mind and heart and he could find-"Tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones and good in everything.” Though the Duke’s utterance may sound idyllic, being cast as it is in a pastoral background, it embodies a world of truth. Misfortunes constitute the true test of one’s character. 
The story of the Pandavas illustrate how they had to face misfortunes in their lives and how every difficulty equipped them with added courage to face greater challenges. The story of Harishchandra suggests how the fearless devotee of truth cheerfully faced sufferings for the sake of his ideals.   If Rana Pratap was great at the battle of Haldighati in challenging the might of the likes of Akbar, he was a greater man during the hard life in the hills of Aravalli, with the Mughals always at his heels. To Shakespeare this life appears to be "such stuff as dreams are made of" while to Thomas Hardy "happiness is but an occasional episode in the general drama of pain". As the scripture says, human life is atonement for the original sin committed by Adam and Eve. We have to suffer it for as long as humankind exists.
Coordinator, Class XI, Salt Lake School
