

The Levelfield School

Why we must eliminate cheating from our classrooms

We all agree that cheating during exams, or copying an assignment from someone is wrong – still, cheating is widely prevalent in student life. Debarghya Deb (student of class XI) of The Levelfield School, Suri, explains why cheating happens, what are its not-so-well-understood ill-effects, and what we can do to stop it.

Black Mirror shows us a frightening view of the future

Rhea Banerjee (Class XI) of The Levelfield School analyses an episode of the series Black Mirror: ‘The entire history of you’. The dystopian world of the future, made possible by technology, disturbs us, but we cannot look away from it either.

Why and how you must learn ‘Deep Reading’

Reading is a foundational skill upon which almost all learning rests – but it’s also a vanishing skill. Aritra Ray (Class VIII, The Levelfield School, Suri), himself a prolific reader, explains why we must read, and how best to cultivate better reading habits.