


Wake-Up Call

In an era marked by a perpetual struggle for democracy, the recent findings of a comprehensive study shed light on a disquieting reality: global scepticism regarding the fairness of elections and a disturbing inclination towards strong, undemocratic leadership.

China’s democracy

Most East Asian and Southeast Asian countries chose to become economically fit for democracy. India provided a contrasting model.

Why South Korea’s democrats must worry

In particular, Korea, one of the poorest countries and one of the military dictatorships 50 years ago, is proud to have become a prosperous country and hold a democracy summit.

Democracy alarms

In the sprawling archipelago of Indonesia, where democracy has been a beacon of hope in a region plagued by autocrats and juntas

Scrapping bonds

By striking down a system that allowed for unchecked influence and poten- tial corruption, the court has upheld the integrity of our electoral process.