

100 years ago

OCCASIONAL NOTE Professor Milne, whose death is announced today at the age of 63, was one of the founders of…

Professor Milne, whose death is announced today at the age of 63, was one of the founders of modern seismological science. Born in Liverpool, he was educated as a mining engineer in London. He was employed professionally in Newfoundland and Labrador, and was geologist to Dr Beke’s expedition in Arabia. The main work of his life was accomplished in Japan, where for twenty years he was in the service of the Government as geologist and mining engineer. It is claimed that the scientific work which was commenced in Japan in 1880, mainly through the influence of Professor Milne, and with the aid of instruments invented by him, gave a new impetus to the study of earthquakes.

News Items

(From Our Correspondent)
Simla, Aug 1

There is no truth in the report that the Registrar of the Calcutta University has received an official intimation that the Government of India are unable to reconsider their decision to veto the appointment of Dr. Suhrawardy, Mr. Rasul and Mr. Jayaswal as University lecturers. The letter of the Registrar of the Calcutta University reached Simla only the other day, and it is understood that the government of India has not yet come to any decision on the points raised in that letter. Mr. Sharp has not sent any reply to the Registrar of the Calcutta University either by post or by telegram.


Representation To Local Government

The Corporation of Calcutta have for some time past been considering the formation of a Park in the fringe area of Ward No. 1 in the north of the town. In view of the expense involved, the Corporation forwarded the papers to the Calcutta Improvement Trust with a request that it would consider the advisability of opening out such a Park as part of an Improvement Scheme. The Improvement Trust has lately had the matter under consideration and has addressed an enquiry to the local Government as to whether the Government land required for the Park would be presented to the Trust free of cost.

Grain Market Fluctuations The Cause
(From Our Correspondent)
Bombay, Aug 1

There is a rise of 2s. in shipping freights from Bombay the rate per ton having risen from 22s. to 24s. This has been caused by buyers at Home having been backward with their purchases lately owing to the trouble in the Balkans having caused markets to fluctuate considerably, most of the grains for European consumption being landed at Black Sea ports. As a result of this the supply of grain threatened to run short at Home and buyers therefore have been forced to purchase. Ships being scarce in these waters at this time of the year, the demand for cargo accommodation is greater than the supply, and the rise in freights is only natural.

Council’s Report On Strike Procedure

The Powers Of Joint Committees
London, Aug 1

The Industrial Council presided over by Sir George Askwith has issued its report on industrial agreements. It disapproves of compulsory arbitration, but says that conciliation boards or joint committees should possess means of arriving at a final decision. Moreover, before recourse to a strike or lock-out there ought to be a pronouncement on a dispute by an independent body or by an important individual.
The Council does not approve of monetary penalties for breaches of agreement.
