

Treat sinus infection easy with these simple remedies

Sinusitis is very common, it can be caused by infection, cold, pollution, and allergy. There are four stages of sinusitis – acute, sub-acute, chronic, and infected.

Treat sinus infection easy with these simple remedies

Sinus problem (SNS)

If you have sinusitis, you know nothing can beat the uneasiness of a blocked nose. On top of that tenderness and pain under the eyes, pain in the cheekbones and eyebrows can make the situation even worse. If you are suffering from similar symptoms, here’s some help for you:

Sinusitis is a medical condition that affects your sinuses. Sinuses are connected hollow cavities around the nasal passages. The cheekbones hold the maxillary sinuses, frontal sinuses are on the forehead, ethmoid sinuses are in between your ears and sphenoid sinuses are behind the nose. When there is inflammation, these sinuses get swollen and blocked with fluid, which can lead to infection.

A sinus episode once aggravated can last for up to 12 weeks causing a lot of discomforts.


Sinusitis is very common, it can be caused by infection, cold, pollution, and allergy. There are four stages of sinusitis – acute, sub-acute, chronic, and infected.

The classic symptoms include facial tenderness, constant headache, facial pain that doesn’t let you bend, sensitivity to light and sound, radiating pain in temples, cheeks, runny and blocked nose, and persistent cough. Infection can lead to fever, body ache, and has an opaque yellow-greenish nasal discharge.

Remedies for Sinus infection:

Turmeric and ginger

Turmeric contains natural anti-inflammatory properties and is also rich in anti-oxidant. A combination of this and ginger, brewed together in a cup of tea, helps loosen mucus from clogged nasal passages, alleviates sinus pressure, and makes you feel better all around. In addition, ginger can calm an upset stomach, which is a common side-effect of sinusitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This contains anti-inflammatory properties and is known to ease pain associated with a sore throat. Mix two or three tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to a cup of hot water or tea and drink it three times a day to help thin out excessive mucus. Add a few drops of lemon and honey for added taste. Alternately, add 10 drops to boiling water and inhale the steam to clear the sinuses.


Onions contain a large amount of sulphur which helps clear respiratory congestion. However, inhaling the fumes of onion can irritate the eyes. Instead, chop the onions into tiny pieces and boil them in water for five minutes. Take a portion out in a bowl and inhale the scent. You may drink the mixture while it is still hot as well.


Grate the radish into tiny pieces and hold a pinch of it in your mouth. The flavour moves up to your sinus and dissolves the mucus formed. Once the flavour has evaporated, swallow the grated radish to eliminate the mucus from your throat.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

If your irritation has reached a chronic stage, try grape seed extract. It is a natural antibiotic made from grinding dried grapefruit seeds and pulp into a fine powder. It is then inhaled or sprayed into the nasal cavity. This, however, should be administered by a doctor.
