Indulge in these guilt-free snacks under 100 calories

Whether it’s a mid-break snack when lunch feels too early or a munchie for your favorite show, we’ve all been tempted by high-carb chips and sugary treats. These delights can quickly spike and then crash your blood sugar levels, leaving you hungrier. Those who rely on them often consume more calories. However, snacks can be both tasty and healthy, positively impacting your mental and physical well-being. Here are a few options of guilt-free snacks for you:

1. Blueberries:

Rich in antioxidants, blueberries aid in weight management and serve as a natural alternative to refined sugary treats. Enjoy them frozen for a sweet, crunchy snack under 100 calories.

2. Hard-Boiled Egg:

Boil an egg in minutes for a protein-rich snack containing only 78 calories. Eggs reduce cholesterol, keep you full, and boost mental energy.

3. Microwave or Air-Popped Popcorn:

2 to 3 cups of popcorn, without butter or cheese but with a sprinkle of salt, provide fiber for digestion and just shy of 100 calories. The high fiber content keeps you full longer.

4. Almonds:

A 70-calorie snack, 10 almonds offer protein, fiber, antioxidants, and Vitamin E, supporting heart health.

5. Baby Carrots with Dip:

Packed with fiber, baby carrots keep you full and boost the immune system. Pair them with a small ranch container for a perfect sub-100 calorie break snack.

6. Frozen Mango Cubes:

Naturally sweet, mangoes aid digestion with their rich dietary fiber. Enjoying ½ cup of frozen mango cubes stays below 100 calories.

7. Non-Fat Greek Yogurt:

A great source of calcium and protein, Greek yogurt is high in probiotics for gut health. A cup contains just 80 calories.

Satisfy your snack cravings with options loaded with antioxidants, protein, fiber, and essential nutrients with these guilt-free snacks.