


Stress triggers for children

Children suffer from stress even more than adults do, as they are exposed to new and confusing environments constantly. Their sense of self-worth is intimately tied to the expectations posed by the adults around them, such as parents and teachers, but their peers can also influence it. If your child’s esteem takes a hit, they will find it challenging to cope with the situation.

Little stress a day good for your brain

After analyzing the data, the researchers found that there did appear to be benefits for those who reported no stressors throughout the study, about 10 per cent of the participants.

Creativity can’t be clocked

One of the primary arguments in favour of the four-day workweek is that the extra time off leads to better productivity at work. However, look closely and you find that it's only when a four-day workweek is accompanied by reduced weekly work hours that the concept bears fruit.