

Bridging the performance gap

What comes to your mind first in the name of exams? Stress! Well, that is nothing to worry about. Exams…

Bridging the performance gap

(Photo: Getty Images)

What comes to your mind first in the name of exams? Stress! Well, that is nothing to worry about. Exams and stress go hand in hand. The right amount can act as a boost for you to achieve more while on the other hand inappropriate stress can show itself in different ways like stomach cramps, over eating, loss of appetite, etc. It all depends on you how you choose to let it be your downfall or use it to drive you to improve your work.

Here are some ways that will help you bring out the best even from your stress. To avoid crippling anxiety from these pesky evaluations, here are some ways that will clear your mind and give you the understanding to reduce stress during examinations.

Take notes

This one can only be practiced when you start taking notes from the very start of the session and trust me, notes can be a life saviour and reduce your last minute stress. You can also make comprehensive notes of each subject and topic so that at the last moment you could easily go through these notes.


Keep things in context

The exams may appear like the most critical thing at the present time be that as it may, in the more stupendous plan of as long as you can remember; they are just a little part. Interfere negative musings with positive ones.


“I can do this”, “I will give a valiant effort”, “I can finish this test”, “I will concentrate just on the inquiry before me,” “I have done it sometime recently, so I can do it once more,” will actively challenge your silly considerations. Life will be worth living paying little respect to this exam. Regard yourself for taking this course and getting this far, paying little respect to the result.

Plan your examination time

Plan your concentration with frequently booked investigation sessions by taking by five to 10 minute breaks. Avoid last minute crippling. Ignore topics that you feel like never have touched in your lifetime. Wasting time on such topics will only give you more stress.

Get yourself into exam mode

You can practice in the course book or can manage with study materials. Take a gander at past exams. Request proposals from your lecturer what’s in store on the exam, what course materials ought to be underscored, how to organise ponder time for the course.

Plan your time management

Practice as much as previous year questions you can attempt keeping a track of time. This will build up your confidence in attempting the examination.


Rest well the night prior to the exam. Plan to touch base at the exam area early. On the off chance that you can pick your seat, pick one far from the entryways, windows or different diversions. Plan to screen the time amid the exam so wear a watch or sit where you can see the clock. Plan to wear layers of attire so you can modify your requirement for more warmth or coolness. Look at the examination room early in the event that you can.

Dodge awful things

Give espresso and different stimulants a miss the night prior to the exam or upon the arrival of the exam. Keep away from on edge or chatty understudies. Dodge other individuals or things that may exasperate your fearlessness, centre and level of unwinding. Hope these ways will help you reduce exam stress and help you bring out a positive outcome of your exam stress.

(The writer is co-founder, Talent4Assure)
