Notorious criminal Mohan Paasi of Azamgarh was killed in an encounter with a joint team of special task force and police in Hapur on Monday night. Paasi had a reward of Rs. 50,000 on his head and he was wanted by the police in several cases of murder, loot and robbery. Paasi had escaped from the police custody in Azamgarh on 16 December last year.
Hapur Superintendent of Police Hemant Kutiyal said that a team of Lucknow STF contacted Paasi after they got a tip on his location. The SP said police intercepted two motorcycle-borne persons near Anand Vihar colony in Delhi on Monday. As the police party was fired at, cops retaliated and the person sitting on the back seat sustained bullet injuries. The driver of the bike vanished in the dark, leaving his injured aide, who was later identified as Mohan Paasi.
The cops immediately rushed him to the hospital where he was declared dead by the doctor. The police identified him on the basis of an Aadhaar card recovered from his pocket.
Paasi was wanted in many cases of loot, robbery and murder and court sentenced him to life imprisonment, but he escaped from custody on 16 December last year while he was being taken to a court in Azamgarh.
Appreciating the team of cops involved in the encounter, SP Hapur had declared to reward them.