Get ready for Bihar TET 2018, admit card, pattern | Know more at

Bihar TET 2018: Candidate searching across the web for the Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test (BTET) selection process, examination date, pattern, eligibility and other details don’t need to wait anymore.

The Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test (BTET) is an important examination for the candidates planning to make their career in the field of teaching at government, private schools in the state.

Bihar TET is conducted every year under the guidance of the Bihar education department.

Candidates willing to apply for Bihar TET have to visit the official website i.e. and follow the instructions to fill the exam application online.

Bihar TET 2018 is divided into two examinations i.e. Paper I and Paper II.

After successfully applying for the Bihar TET, the candidates need to download the admit card/hall ticket from the official website, which is released after declaration of the examination date.

In case of any issue, candidates can get in touch with the authorities over phone at +91- 7835049876, 7835049880.