

100 Years Ago | 15 June 2019

On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.

100 Years Ago | 15 June 2019


If Mr. Montagu’s assertion that India’s 315 millions “eagerly awaited” his Reform Bill were even remotely related to the facts, one would naturally expect the Indian papers of Calcutta to be full of his great speech in the House of Commons, and “eagerly” competing with each other for the privilege of commending it. This natural expectation, however, is not borne out by a reference to the leading columns of Friday’s issue of the principal exponents of “moderation” and “extremism,” respectively, in Bengal. The extremist organ completely ignored the whole subject. The “moderate” journal did offer a column of comments, which it boldly headed “Mr. Montagu and the Reforms.” In point of fact, however, it said hardly anything about Mr. Montagu or the reforms, and from the difficulty which the writer evidently experienced in filling up the space allotted to him, one cannot help suspecting him to be in the awkward position of the visiting bishop in the late Mr. Corney Grain’s sketch, who was suddenly challenged by a schoolboy before the whole class to specify the exact number of legs possessed by a caterpillar. Like the right reverend gentleman on that painful occasion, the Bengalee evidently found itself completely at a loss what to say.



In connection with the Rath Jatra festival which will take place at Puri from the 21st to the 29th June, the Government of Bihar and Orissa wishes to warn all concerned that cholera is at the present time more widespread in the districts of Cuttack and Puri than it has been in any of the last five years at this season, and there is considerable danger that if there is a large influx of pilgrims, an epidemic may break out in Puri itself and the infection be spread all over India. The Bengal-Nagpur Railway have already announced that owing to the shortage of railway stock, they will not be able to make any special arrangements for traffic in connection with the festival and the number of pilgrims will any case be restricted. But the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, wishes further to appeal to all who propose to make the pilgrimage this year, in view of the danger not only to themselves but to the residents of their own.


The richest boy in the world, Vinson Walsh Mohan, aged ten, known as the hundred million dollar heir, who has been closely protected by special guards from his birth, has been killed by a motor car in front of his parents’ house at Washington. Vinson eluded his guards in the garden and rushed into the roadway, where he shouted playfully to a Ford car containing three women, one of whom, the driver, knocked him over. He died from concussion of the brain. Vinson has received international publicity throughout his babyhood because of the elaborate means his parents have taken to protect him. His paternal grandfather, the late Mr. J.R. McLean, was the proprietor of the Washington Post and Cincinnati Enquirer. His maternal grandfather, Mr. F. Walsh, was known as the Colorado mining king. It was estimated that he would eventually receive pound 20,000,000 through them. Six nurses and detectives were hired to accompany Vinson wherever he went.



The punishment of villages in Tochi which have been hostile to us is proceeding satisfactorily. The improvement in Zhob is maintained. Reports have been received that the attackers of Musa Khel post on the 11th were mostly Sherannis and that their unsuccessful effort resulted in a considerable number of casualties. Some Maliks of the Musa Khel tribe have come in and are now professing loyal sentiments. Attempts to interfere with the water supply of Spin Baldak are reported from Chaman. The water comes by a channel from the Kadanai river, and our cavalry patrols which moved out to investigate the matter were sniped at by tribesmen but had no casualties.


The close approach of the festivities of the signing of the Peace Treaty recalls to mind the famous pyrotechnic displays at the Crystal Palace which have always been a prominent feature of similar occasions of public rejoicing in the homeland, and organisers of peace celebrations in India will be gratified to find means at hand for carrying this out in a worthy fashion. Commercial enterprise has not lagged behind in this matter for, as will be seen from our advertisement columns, already Bonbonniere Limited of 32 Dalhousie Square are hard at work in preparation for the festivities, manufacturing every kind of firework from the coloured lights beloved by small boys to the vast set pieces which excite the admiration of huge concourses of people. It is noteworthy that all their fireworks, which are guaranteed to be equal to the best class of fireworks produced n Eng
