

West Asia

Hope Amidst Despair

In the turbulent landscape of West Asia, where conflict seems to be an enduring reality, a glimmer of hope emerges from a proposed diplomatic plan.

Shifting sands

In West Asia, conflicts that once seemed contained within specific borders now spill into an even more perplexing labyrinth, now involving as many as 10 countries.

Cease fire

As the conflict in West Asia rages, the latest attack by Hamas resulting in the loss of 21 Israeli soldiers marks a sombre turning point.

Losing support

Israel is losing the widespread public support it had among Americans after the 7 October Hamas terror attack.

Political Paralysis

As the flames of war rage in West Asia and Ukraine, the US Congress finds itself immobilised by internal strife, creating a dysfunction that even some within the Republican Party fear is offering solace to America’s adversaries.

Arms smugglers will profit Saying goodbye from the Ukraine conflict

In recent years, welcome efforts have been made to regulate the trade of a wide range of arms using the Arms Trade Treaty, but a big hurdle for these noble and much-needed efforts has been encountered in the form of the activities of weapon smugglers and traffickers.

Afghan misadventure~I

It is paradoxical that the US which entered Afghanistan with the promise of ensuring a new age of peace and stable democracy is now, though belatedly, arguing as stated by Biden that nation building was not on its cards. The American intervention, far from building an enduring democracy, created a clientelist oligarchy that survived because of widespread corruption despite lack of popular support, as it was in South Vietnam.