

CV Raman

Stemming the Exodus

The focus of Indian corporates on profits and their reluctance to try out new technologies or new ideas ensures that Indians specialising in the frontier fields of technology find few employers at home, leaving the field open for foreign corporates to benefit from Indian brainpower.

Childhood without joy

There should be some 'me-time' for every child to deviate from the routine and do other things for a change. CV Raman, Jagadish Chandra Bose and Rabindranath Tagore were what they were because their ‘mind was without fear and the head was held high, where the clear stream of reason had not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit‘.

Why does the sky appear blue?

Thirty years ago, 28 February was announced as National Science Day in India as the world-renowned Raman Effect was invented…